TracMeTM & EvolutionTM V4 focus audience and spectator attention on targeted actors, performers, & athletes.

Human operators direct individual key light fixtures, or manage synchronized fixture groups. Workspaces are inclusive & reflect ADA (US), OSHA (US), EEOC (US) & EAA (EU) access, safety & employment opportunity guidelines.

TracMeTM & EvolutionTM  V4 control DMX512 moving head & moving mirror performance lighting fixtures.

TracMeTM & EvolutionTM V4   connect to lighting consoles & PoE Ethernet networks. ANSI E1.31 (sACN) & Art-Net are default control protocols.

NDI (video over IP Ethernet) is default video data & power protocol.

Fixtures plug to Ethernet network gateways. DMX512 (RS-485) daisy-chain cables link fixtures locally.

Oracle Park San Francisco. Home of the MLB baseball Giants